Legacy gifts ensure a future of free-admission concerts and school programs
Since 1989, the MN Sinfonia has enriched the lives of more than half a million Minnesotans, providing free admission concerts and school programs.
You can ensure a future filled with quality, classical live music and learning experiences by including Friends of Minnesota Sinfonia in your estate. We are available to discuss your plans or to lend administrative support to your preferences. Please call us at 612-871-1701 with questions or ideas.
Create a Named Endowment
Is there a MN Sinfonia program that holds special meaning for you? If so, maybe we can help establish a named fund to support that program—whether it’s a seasonal Concert Series at your favorite venue, our Music in the Schools program, Young Artist Competition, Youth Outreach Week, or something else—reach out to us today about how to endow a fund to ensure the future of these important programs.
Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way
Making the MN Sinfonia a beneficiary of your will, trust, retirement account plan, or life insurance policy is easy. Just designate FRIENDS OF THE MINNESOTA SINFONIA, Federal Tax ID number 41-1649587
Residual estate (after other bequests or designations are named):
“I give to the Friends of the Minnesota Sinfonia, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the rest and residue of my estate to be used by the Friends of the Minnesota Sinfonia for its unrestricted use:”
Portion of the estate:
“I give to the Friends of the Minnesota Sinfonia, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, ___ % of my estate to be used by the Friends of the Minnesota Sinfonia for its unrestricted use”
Specific amount:
“I give to the Friends of the Minnesota Sinfonia, located in Minneapolis, Minnesota the sum of $ ____ to be used by the Friends of the Minnesota Sinfonia for its unrestricted use”